Discover the PERKS of being a military family!


In 2020, we had our first son in the middle of our second cross country PCS with a TDY en route, which was followed all too quickly by a deployment. This was one of those experiences where you doubt being in the military was the right decision. It was far from where I had envisioned being in my life and I ended up in a research black hole. As I found support, I felt confident that I could make the most of our time in the military. I hope you find that here! 

I believe there are resources available for your family to find the support you need to live the lifestyle you want.

Welcome, friends! I'm Chelsey-military spouse and mom with a secret love of learning. I'm so glad you're here. I will always be so grateful for the special friendships that I've made through the military.  Let the friendship begin!

Meet Chelsey


I love watching The Office when my husband is gone.

GO-TO show


I've been to Canada, Mexico, France, Germany, The Netherlands and Luxembourg.

countries visited


I used scholarships for a CNA program, Interior Design Certification & Floral Design.

Military spouse scholarships


In less than two years we moved from WA to MS & back.

DITY Moves


I earned a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management.

years of education


view the NEXT FUN FACT ⟶


Fun Facts

I love taking walks and playing in our yard with our little guys most days. My favorite is when we go kayaking or take our bikes to the river trail.

...outside most days!

My favorite place is...

My go-to doughnut order is...

I can't live without...

You can find me...

I'm mom to two rambunctious boys and of course, I can't live without my husband. When we aren't outside, we're often playing with tractors and dinosaurs. boys!

My favorite place is...

My go-to doughnut order is...

I can't live without...

You can find me at...

Although they are becoming harder to find, I just love the traditional, non-filled maple bar. Maple Rings just aren't the same.

...Maple Bar.

My favorite place is...

My go-to doughnut is...

I can't live without...

You can find me at...

Every year, growing up, my family traveled to Lake Chelan, WA. As an adult, lakes are still my favorite place. While we don't travel there much anymore, I do love being at any lake, there is just something about it.

...the Lake!

My favorite place is...

My go-to doughnut order is...

I can't live without...

You can find me at...